Eliminate Rust Issues in Traditional Deer Fence Ground Sleeves
We’ll be taking you through an issue we often see when doing repair or replacement fence work on deer fences erected using traditional ground sleeves. Further down in this blog we will talk about how our Professional post and sleeve system eliminates rust (and other issues) to create a deer fence that can last 25 or more years!
A deer fencers rusted sleeve.
This past month we were replacing a deer fence that had been erected using traditional ground sleeves. The fence was about 7 years old. When we removed the sleeves from the ground, we found that they were rusted out.
Deer Fencing post effected by rust.
This is what else we found at the job site– Where the water was laying in the ground sleeve, it caused the post to rust, weaken and bend.
Over time, traditional ground sleeves can fill with water which leads to rust in both the sleeve and post. Posts become weak enough from the rust that they can bend or break. The posts bend or break at the ground level which weakens the fence line.
At another recent job, we found ground sleeves filled at least half way up with water and the base of the posts rusted out. Here we show one of the ground sleeves after removal with water draining out the top end. We replaced the section of fence with our reverse sleeve method which will not allow this to happen again.
Rust damaged deer fencing materials.
The damaged deer fencing materials you see here were replaced using our Professional System reverse sleeve, exclusive to The Benner Deer Fence Co. Our reverse sleeve installation system will not allow this to happen. Here's why:
The reverse ground sleeve is a hollow, heavy gauge, galvanized metal pipe that penetrates the ground with relative ease. A hand held post driver is used to drive the sleeve about 3 feet into the ground. No need to get on your hands and knees to pound a sleeve in the ground with a sledge hammer.
Benner Deer Fence Co. exclusive Professional System