Deer Fence Questions and Answers
We Answer FAQ about Deer Fencing like “How high does a deer fence need to be?”
Here is some typical winter deer damage– you can even see their tracks.
What height do I make my deer fence?
One of the biggest decisions to make once you’ve decided to invest in a deer fence is how high to make the fence. Though deer are quite athletic and may be able to clear up to 10 feet, that doesn’t mean they will. Some things to consider when deciding on your deer fence height: Deer do not have very good eye sight and have difficulty determining where the top of the deer fence is. Wooded areas, heavily landscaped areas and areas with uneven terrain make it difficult and scary for deer to jump and land safely. Wide open fields and grassy areas are easier for deer to jump and land. Deer will generally try to go through or under your fence if they are trying to get access to your landscape. Here is our deer fence height recommendations based on our 30 + years experience:
8 feet high works well in wide open areas of grass + fields.
7 feet high works very well in wooded and landscaped areas.
5-6 feet high works well for garden enclosures of about 100-150 total feet and smaller enclosures. 5-6 feet high also works in areas with difficult terrain, steep hills and other unique situations.
It is important to flag the fence with white streamers for the first year after the fence is installed, especially if the fence is crossing a deer trail.
Do I really need a deer fence?
If you notice deer in and around your property and have frequent damage to your plants– you are a good candidate for a deer fence. Over the years, if deer continue to damage your landscape it becomes harder and harder for your plants to regenerate themselves. Deer scat and ticks can also be a health issue including lyme disease, especially in over populated areas.
I only what to enclose part of my property, will your system still work?
Yes and No, let us explain: In some cases installing fence to re-route your deer can eliminate some of your damage, if this is done you should install the fence in a way to make it more difficult for the deer to access your property. It is best to understand and locate the most frequently visited sections of your property and try to divert the deer from these areas. If you want to keep them out 100% you should enclose the entire area you want to protect, even if this is only a partial area of your property.
Can I fence the property perimeter without closing off the driveway?
You can, but eventually the deer will find the opening in your driveway. The best solution is some type of driveway gate system, especially in snowy areas.
My property has special areas such as terrain changes, rocky ground and water crossings. Does your deer fence system work for my situation?
With the proper planning and design, every property can be completely fenced off. If you have a special situation, the specific details can always be worked out through our customer service and knowledge with over 25 years of experience.
How many and what size access gates do I need?
We usually recommend at least one gate system for every 500 feet of linear deer fence. Be sure to consider special gate situations such as mower or maintenance access when planning your fence.
How much does the average perimeter deer fence system cost?
We offer two deer fencing system. Our flagship, Professional System features our reverse sleeve, locking brace pipe and comes standard with horizontal tension cable starts around $9 per foot. Our Standard System with removable fence posts starts around $4 per foot.
Can I install your deer fence system myself?
Yes. We believe you can. Not only do we have professional customer service, we also offer complete installation instructions.
Winter view of deer fence from 40 feet.
How visible is this type of deer fence?
Not very much. The fence blends into the surroundings from as close as 20 feet.
Does the fence require a permit?
Sometimes. Check your local regulations.
What type of maintenance does the fence require?
Not much at all. After the first year, you can tighten the areas of the fence line with the double bond, cut and re-attach method or end wrap technique. If a tree should fall on the fence and damage it beyond repair, that section would need to be replaced. We always recommend having some extra supplies on hand– especially an extra post, top cable and fence. During rut season, if a male deer should get caught up in the fence and tear it, that section should be repaired or doubled up with new fence.
What is considered a hard deer fencing turn?
Any angle movement in the fence greater then 15-20 degrees would be considered a hard turn. You can do up to 90 or even greater with the proper bracing. Remember our deer fencing system locks your brace pipe into the bottom of the next post , leaving no room for movement.
When should I use heavy duty deer fence posts?
We recommend using heavy duty posts in the following situations:
On all turns
Gate posts (supplied in all of our deer fence gate systems)
Over long stretches (in straight runs, use 1 heavy post per 100 feet of fence)
Any where you have heavy deer pressure by a crossing deer trail
How do I know what deer fencing materials to buy?
We have detailed information to help you determine what you will need for your deer fence project. You can also email or call us directly to discuss your specific fencing needs.
Why Should I buy my fence from The Benner Deer Fence Company?
We offer the strongest and most advanced deer fence system available.
We have the best materials at competitive prices.
We carry and sell products that no other deer fence supplier does.
We have over 30 years of product development, installation and maintenance experience.
We offer installation help and instructions from professional installers.
We have customer service for every deer fence situations.