7.5 ft. x 165 ft., Extra-strength Poly Deer Fence

7.5 ft. x 165 ft., Extra-strength Poly Deer Fence
Extra-strength perimeter poly deer fence, 7.5 ft. x 165 ft. by Tenax. This fence can be used in low deer pressure areas. This fence works very well for seasonal fence that is put up and taken down each season. Use to wrap conifer trees in winter. Recommended installation: Both the reverse sleeve method, or traditional ground sleeves are suitable for this fence. For traditional crimped ground sleeves, use posts 1-ft. higher than desired posts height. Post will slide 1-ft. into ground in traditional ground sleeves.
SPECIFICATIONS: Brand: Tenax, Height: 7.5-foot, Material: 100% polypropylene plastic; Mesh size: 1 7/8-inch x 1 7/8-inch, Color: carbon Black, Life Expectancy: 15-20 years; Breaking Strength: 750 lbs.; Additional info: UV resistant, low visibility